Use Cases for Amazon Q Business

Table of contents
  1. Operations
    1. Streamline operations
  2. Customer service
    1. Improve customer engagement
  3. Extract insights
    1. Cost and usage data insights


For enhancing business operations, here are a few use cases:

Streamline operations

Last modified: 2024-12-03

In Using Amazon Q Business to streamline your operations Vikram Venkataraman and Puneeth Komaragiri show how to use Amazon Q Business to build an application that helps reducing MTTI/MTTR, including integration with runbooks and AWS documentation.

Customer service

Improve customer engagement

Last modified: 2024-12-11

How AWS sales uses Amazon Q Business for customer engagement by Joe Travaglini, Jonathan Garcia, and Umesh Mohan explains how and why AWS sales built an internally-facing conversational sales assistant based on Amazon Q Business.

Extract insights

Cost and usage data insights

Git repo

The GitHub repo aws-samples/data-insights-with-amazon-q-business has an example architecture enabling you to query structured data using Amazon Q Business. It also shows how to build out an application to query cost and usage data in Amazon Athena, using Amazon Q Business.